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Faith Based
Animal Welfare
Our mission is to develop local community projects which create a more diverse and sustainable economy and healthier environment with the Bay Islands Tree Panting Project, Breadfruit Agroforestry, Micro-Business Development, and Public Awareness Campaigns.
Roatan Marine Park
A community-based, non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of Honduras’ marine and coastal ecosystems.
Roatan Children's Ministry
Our mission statement is;
” Sharing and Caring for the Children of Roatan, Honduras in the Name of Jesus Christ “
Roatan Operation Animal Rescue
Our mission is to serve the stray and neglected animal population through public awareness of overpopulation and animal cruelty, and through education on the care of companion animals.
Roatan Rescue
Roatan Rescue is the Largest No-Kill Shelter and is home to more than 200 animals at any given time.
SOL International Foundation
Through the support of grants and initiatives we are committed to enhancing the standards of education, arts, and athletics in lesser developed areas.